Join us in sending a heartfelt thank you to everyone dedicated to protecting and advancing public health Join us in sending a heartfelt thank you to everyone dedicated to protecting and advancing public health

Join us in sending a heartfelt thank you to everyone dedicated to protecting and advancing public health

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Join us in sending a heartfelt thank you to everyone dedicated to protecting and advancing public health. Your efforts save lives and often go unnoticed, but we see you and appreciate you! Happy Public Health Thank You Day! #PublicHealthHeroes #PublicHealthThankYouDay2024
Flu Vaccines Recommended Flu Vaccines Recommended

Flu Vaccines Recommended

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Annual influenza vaccines are encouraged by the Centers for Disease Control for everyone six months and older, with rare exceptions. According to the Weekly U.S. Influenza surveillance report, Iowa’s influenza-like illness level is minimal at this time
«November 2024»